Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Tara Axford Inspires Me

I admire her work! Her online course, Inspired by Nature is high on my list.  
She is a print maker, collage artist, water colorist, book artist. 
  Australia is her home. The items she finds in nature are
so different from what we find here in Northern Michigan. Fantastic pods,
 leaves, & flowers appear sci-fi like to me. 

She is a tiny press owner too. She has great little prints on her Instagram
Not to mention loads of other eye candy. 

Admittedly I will cheat in the A to Z challenge when
X rolls around. If an X is in a name or topic I'll use it.
Hope you don't mind. 
Whatever it takes to get the job done at this point in the challenge


  1. Oh, sooo inspiring. Thank you for this rabbit hole (or not ;) ) - and yes those Australian things ... they look so exotic to us, but then pour everyday things (foxes for one) are exotic to Australians. I am 'cheating' as well with those last, nasty letters.

  2. That artwork is fascinating! I had never heard of this artist... thanks for sharing her work.


I would love to hear from you. Please give me your feed back or questions about anything you find here.