Monday, April 29, 2019

Y is for Yarn Bomb A to Z Challenge

 I belong to the local Yarn Bomb Society.

 It is about random acts of knitting & crocheting displayed in public places. Meant to be temporary.     Yarn Bombing  has only been a thing for about 14 years, according to Wikipedia. 

There is a meeting of our local group at an art association near by. I wonder what we will adorn?

Never heard of it? Have you ever seen an act of yarn bombing in your community?  
Wondered what the heck was going on?  Now  you know.  You're welcome.


  1. I've never heard of or seen Yarn Bombing! I learn so much during the A to Z challenge.

  2. Yup, that's what I like about it. I saw yarn bombing before I knew it was a thing.

  3. I love seeing yarn bombings, but have never participated. It seems like it would be a blast. (Get it? Ha ha.)
    Black and White: Y is for Ypotryll


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