Friday, April 19, 2019

Q for Quick Sketches

Sketching is a skill I would like to develop. It's like playing an instrument. 
You have to use those muscles or they atrophy. 

Artists Magazine has recently been inspiring me to put pencil to paper.  
The site has loads of opportunity to learn. 

Moment Sketchers is something I've followed for awhile. They host monthly challenges with the participants posting to Instagram as well as workshops.Images below are from the site.

This is Candace who started Moment Sketchers. Another place to see her art.

I'm drawn to city scape sketches but need to learn more about perspective. 

There are loads of classes both online & out in the world. You need to evaluate closely before deciding if you want to pay the price & hop on.

A few random pages from my journal. 
Times when I surprised myself with a fairly nice drawing done quickly

Use whatever is "at hand",or feet in this case, when looking for a subject.

A friend's pet bird I took the time to sketch when visiting.


  1. Feet are hard to draw, but you got yours down great! I used to call my father's sketches (preliminary to his paintings) "scribble drawings," because they were so... well, scribbley! When I got older I understood what he was doing.

    1. I call my drawings of music gigs "scribbles in the dark"! They're REALLY scribbly!

  2. I love to do quick sketches! I joined a Facebook group that's dedicated to sketching, it's a very lively group! (Look for "Up for a Challenge"). I was doing "one line" drawings of the initial A-Z shoes (one doesn't lift the pen from the paper for a one liner), some were more successful than others.
    Have you heard of the Sktchy app? It's good if you want to sketch people and is also a social network.

    1. I have seen the app, even downloaded it, but have never played around.
      I love drawing in a continuous line, writing that way is fun as well. Blind contour too.

  3. I need to start sketching. I am so out of practice.


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