Monday, April 16, 2018

Take Note #AtoZChallenge

Little bits of paper waiting to be grabbed to make a note. 
I admit it, I'm a compulsive note jotter. 
 I have little books or pads of paper everywhere. 
You never know when or where an idea will strike.

I recently decided I need to document my process better.
 How did I mix that color? How did I measure that fabric for that box?

 Notes are in a pile on the table where I cut & paint.

 Clipped to reference materials.

 Tucked in the recesses of my sewing machine.

Slid among sketches, magazines, general flotsam on the writing table.

 A friend gave me these boards that hang on a wall.
Combination of magnetic board & cork board.
I love them and rearrange what is there for inspiration, or reference, regularly.

 I can spend as much time in organization of all the notes in my life as in making something.
I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

 Do you have little notes everywhere?  Is there a support group for this?


  1. I make a lot of notes in my calendar/planner. It helps me if I have them in one place. That being said, I do have other notes and lists I keep in notebooks if there's not enough room in the calendar.


    1. Ditto. It's an ongoing process. But I need to get the thoughts on paper or I'm afraid they will slip away!

  2. How do you keep up with all those little notes? I do have little notebooks I use for poem ideas.

    1. I have one little spiral notebook I clip them all to, well the ones not studio related. I do consolidate every so often.

  3. I have a lot of notes, yes. But, I know where to find the one I want when I need to!

    1. Me too. What would we do without our notes. I gather & do one list every so often. Good way to review & winnow.

  4. I need that board!!! Love this post....

    Donna B. McNicol|Author and Traveler
    A to Z Flash Fiction Stories | A to Z of Goldendoodles

    1. I know, what a lucky thing my friend gave them to me! Thanks. I REALLY struggled with N then this came to me & I've gotten such nice comments. Go figure.

  5. The older I get the more I need notes. The only problem is I either cannot read them or have forgotten what they meant.

    1. I get that! I refer to this as colander brain. Too many holes in the equipment. But Oh Dear! If I couldn't read them I'd be so frustrated. Thanks for taking a look.

  6. Definitely a note jotter and have piles of notes and papers everywhere... hubby says I'm not comfortable unless I am surrounded by notes and paper. I admit... he is correct! I love your blog, I'm trying to figure out how to follow! :)

    1. What a nice compliment! There is a box at the top right under the scrolling Etsy thing to "follow by email" then there is a couple more steps to prove you aren't a robot. Would love to have you follow. Does that help?

  7. Lovely, I keep mine then cut, glue and put together as a mediation, of what was done. Lovely!

  8. Pinterest is a great place of posting notes! Can be creative with just what you have.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Bobbie. Nice to see other artists in the challenge. I like Pinterest. Digital note saving, can get a bit overwhelming though. The cut & glue them together idea is a good one.

  9. I am one to jot myself a note and have scrap paper and notepads all around the house. Yet, far too often, I forget to look at my notes.


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