Got this great little book from the Library before the shut down.
So I get to keep it until things reopen. Bonus for me. Lots of ideas:
construction of a zine & how to print an edition.
The hand drawn illustrations are fun.
Zines have been around for decades. They are usually counter culture.
The 2 links above give some history.
I've been making little zines of my own & have several more ideas.
Lots of creative folks have been making them & posting on Instagram.

To see a video of the other pages of my first quaranzine during sheltering
in place go HERE to Instagram, the 3rd pane in.
in place go HERE to Instagram, the 3rd pane in.
I especially like this. From The Quaranzine.
Each page is this little guy screaming.
My second zine...
Each page is this little guy screaming.
My second zine...
Zine #3 above.
AK Rowling made a little book that can be considered a zine early on in her
Harry Potter explorations. Expected to sell at auction for as much as 150,000 pounds.
That's $186000.
There we have it. The end of this years A to Z Challenge.
Hope you had fun! I did. It's been a great distraction.