Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A to Z Day One A is for ala

   ala plural

    n a flat wing-shaped part of an organism

   “the alae of the nose”
   “the alae of a maple seed”
   “the flat petals of a pea blossom are alae

a winglike part, process, or expansion, as of a bone, shell, seed, or stem.
either of the two side petals of a flower in the legume family, as the pea.
(in an ancient Roman house) a small room, as an alcove, 
opening into a larger room or courtyard.

Away we go. The 2020 installment of the A to Z challenge begins. 
For my theme Inspiration, I can blend my love of words along with 
a print I recently created in a great class I took (more on that later) for the letter A. 

 I first ran across this word via Word Smith. I subscribe to their word a day.  The etymology
is always interesting. Not what you may expect in many cases. 

This is where my weirdness shows up in my search & capture of items that inspire me.
This little guy lay dead in my studio last summer. It's about 1 inch long. I saved it...not kidding.  I used it for the details of the print at the top of the page I made in a wonderful class I took recently (more on that later). It helped me get the veining in the wings to look correct. 

See you tomorrow!



  1. Have you ever printed a bug? I thought of that when I looked at your little bug. I have not, but maybe I will this year.

    1. Interesting idea! Although I envision a big smudge on the paper. :)

  2. Bugs wings are fascinating, and your print is very good.
    Feel free to link your A post here at the A to Z Challengers Linky Party

    1. Glad you are back this year! Your quilt pictures are beautiful. I did add a link. Great idea. Easy to get an idea of what you are going to look at. Better than the master list.

  3. Replies
    1. Love your theme. Love block prints! The bug was a plexiglass etching. Easy!

  4. Lovely, as always, Linda.
    I want to know what type of printmaking class you did as this looked like it had been pulled but I wasn't sure you were into printmaking.

  5. Hey Mary! How the heck are you? Details of the class on the G day. NMC class in their huge print studio. This one was a plexi etching run through the press. Easy on the hands & quick. LOTS of pressure needed.


I would love to hear from you. Please give me your feed back or questions about anything you find here.