Friday, April 10, 2020

Intaglio Printing

Pronounced: in-taal-ee-oh

Intaglio is a print making technique that's been around for centuries.
Invented in Germany in the 1400's.
A design is carved into a substrate: copper, zinc, linoleum, plexiglass are examples. 
The resulting "plate" is then inked & run through a press to get the image on paper.

Glenn Wolff is a renowned local print maker who teaches at our local community college.
Just before the world turned upside down I took a month long print immersion class from him.
There were only 3 of us in the class. A huge bonus. 
His images range from extremely detailed to rustic. The 2 works below are his. 

Another of my creations from the class, above, was in
my A post with a promise of details later.

The opening image is another of my prints taken from
 a page in my journal.

I added some water color to my print.

My 2 classmates did some great work!

Thanks for stopping by. Leave a comment...if you have the time.


  1. Thank you for explaining intaglio so clearly. I knew it was a print method, but your description was easier to understand that what I've read online. I bought an intaglio print by Al Kaufman at a thrift store a few months back, now I know what that means!

  2. I really like the effect you achieved by adding water colours to your print. Sadly, I have have not even looked at my art at all during this time of sheltering at home.


    1. That's too bad! It's worth dragging yourself to it as it gets you in a different space.


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