Wednesday, April 29, 2020


Just to be clear, this is not a picture of me. 

Once upon a time I could do this. Still very limber but
 range of motion apparently decreases with age.

I have done yoga, off & on, for most of my adult life. 
As a ballet dancer for years growing up movement, flexibility,
& attention to detail were all part of my existence.
 All these components fit well with Yoga. 

A little background if you are unfamiliar.
The focus on breath & mindfulness help with stress.
Very useful these days.

It has been a struggle of late to be consistent with a daily yoga practice.
It's a goal & I work on it.

Just do it!


  1. oh my I could never do this as I start ed doing yoga after I was 50! But it a lovely practice.

  2. Impressive you could do that (I've never been able to do that!).

  3. I've so been trying to have a daily practice during this stay at home period but it's still difficult. Congrats on finishing A to Z!


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