Saturday, April 30, 2016

Z is for Zipper

                                                           The lowly Zipper. Or is it?


         Like most things I post about, the zipper has a glossary all it's own to describe it's various parts.

                              We take them for granted but it really is a marvel don''t you think?

A recent exhibit that I featured in my X post 2 days ago at our local community college museum , "Extreme Fibers", had a few pieces that were all about the zippers.

 A close up of the above piece. Looks like a upholsterers nightmare. There were 250 ft of zipper in this project.

There have been a lot of wearable art pieces made of zippers showing up at art fairs in the last few years.

                  Next time you get dressed think about that little marvel that holds it all together.

I have honestly enjoyed the A to Z Challenge & the pressure it created to come up with something every day for a month. I plan to be back next year. Until then I hope all who visited my excursions into artistic topics will keep viewing. I wander to all sorts of strange places.  Thank you coming along for the ride.


  1. Ah, we both chose Zipper, mine of a different sorts.
    Gave you a shout out on my Z post -

    1. Your zipper is so much more hug-able! What a great name for your dog. Thank you SO much for the link on your blog. What a great way to enlarge our community.

  2. Congratulations on completing the challenge!
    @ScarlettBraden from
    Frankly Scarlett

    1. & to you! It was a great exercise and found so many interesting people out there. Thanks for stopping by.


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