Wednesday, April 3, 2024





It's a huge deal in my artistic practice. I mix my own from tubes of acrylic I buy or latex wall paint we have in the dungeon. 

This huge color chart that hangs on the wall of my studio. I find it helpful when I'm trying to figure out the right combination to get what I want. 

              I want to venture into natural dying more.                    Hoping this book will help.

            This is for watercolor mixing. I've had it for years.                   Sometimes it works better than the big chart for mixing. 

                     Trying to document how I get my colors                            on a more regular basis. So helpful!

All the go to tubes I use all the time.


Storing the mixed colors on snap lid food containers will keep them as long as I've been doing this. Spritz with water before I close them each time. They stay hydrated just enough. 

                      A visual of some of what happens from all                   of this color experimentation.




  1. I love all the boxes. Very pretty colors and patterns.

  2. Lovely color chart! I know someone who would hang it as a poster, it's that pretty.

  3. I love this. I'm not very artistic and must admit, I've not mixed colors since school.

  4. I've just taking up painting, and those kits they sell for beginners never have enough white. I enjoy making my own colors by mixing, no two paintings are ever the same due to mixing variations (accidental). I dont have a chart or anything, i basically guess which colors to mix and keep going until i hit one i like. not a consistent method, but i like it. Idea-ist@GetLostInLit

  5. Thanks for the intro to the world of colour

    Jill -blogging the atoz at

  6. When I lived near London, one of my favourite shops was Cornelissen's that had a box for sale of the type Turner would have used - full of little jars for the pigments and oils and gum arabic so that the artist could use the kit to paint in either oils or watercolour as the day or subject demanded. Buying paint premixed forces one down routes that don't allow the artist control. I bought pure pigments there and I made my own pastels where you can make them harder or softer as you like. Bravo for mixing your own acrylics!


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