I picked up a book from the library, Elizabeth Gilbert's "Big Magic". Click the book for the NYT's review.

Nature has always been big in providing me with inspiration
I have lots of book & catalogs and publications I return to time & time again. This little gem is a favorite. I don't buy book to read for enjoyment, those almost always come from the library or swapping with a friend. but I'm a sucker for books with art techniques and prompts. Then are the endless blogs and videos and now a days on line classes...did I mention Pinterest?
The there is travel. We are on our way tomorrow for a mini vacation to Florida to visit a few sets of friends and hopefully recharge our solar batteries. They are very low at the moment from the Northern Michigan grey. Inspiration usually shows up as soon as I'm at the airport.
Hoping to post from the road. I have my journal, writing utensils, water color pencils, a brush. I'm ready.
What inspires you? I would love to here your experience. What do you do if you are stuck?