Monday, November 16, 2015

Sundays with Photography

We have now had the second My Still Sunday online class with Kim Klassen. This is FUN! So inspiring. It's all about commitment. At least for me. Without the prompt of something you've agreed ot do we may not carve out the time for things like this. So glad I did.
                                                  Here is my picture from week one.

and here is yesterday's 

I struggled with the "less is more" concept. My first set up was way too much 
and I just wasn't happy. But hey, I'll share my failures, well not all. That would be painful for everyone.
Truth be told I had to go dig in the trash dumpster for the paper. I knew my hubby had thrown out a bunch just the day before. But I like it better than the fabric. I think linen will be my next option. Just love linen in general.

I did do another that I like. Gotta work on paring down though.

A special thank you to Philip Hartigan, the blogging class instructor, Chicago artist, cool guy, that I learned so much form in two full days at Interlochen Arts Academy last Spring. He gave me a plug in his blog. Thank you Philip!
  I would love to hear your critiques of these photos or anything else you want to share. Your struggles & successes with your own photography, or art in general. 

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