This is a Yapok. Water Opossum.
Isn't it the cutest? he looks gleeful. I have been on the lookout for
interesting creatures who's body structure would lend itself to
paper clay critters. This one definitely has potential.

Look at those hands/paws. I want to tackle those.
As I look back on my "doll" file I've been fond of making them for years.
Below are some of my favorites.
Apparently I'm no where near done. This is what's on my table now. A cardinal.

Another fun pattern from Ann Wood. It will come with me on
a little trip we are embarking on in a week. Lots of hand stitching
to keep those hands busyFrom Ann's site.
Appears I took quite a detour from my opening. Hope you don't mind.
Y is another letter I struggled with for the A to Z challenge.
I resort to searches. Found this site where my creature idea came from.
This is his hobby. Tons of great stuff to poke around & generate ideas.
If you go to the Dictionary of Obscure Words next to the About tab
you can select any letter & get a large list for any letter.
"A thinking place". Nice "P" word.
The Yapok would looks like it would work well as a paper clay critter. It's so interesting looking. Weekends In Maine