Outside the facility grounds at Ox-Bow there is a set of stairs. 302 of them to be exact.
Many days several PBI participants would migrate there and make the trip up.
Great exercise & the view is worth it.
Being on the channel that comes off Lake Michigan into Douglas & Saugatuck
the sunsets are gorgeous most evenings.
My afternoons the first round of class time was spent with Shawn Sheehy, paper engineer extraordinaire, to create "cabinets of curiosities". I suggest you watch the video in the link of his latest book to get an idea of the intricacy of his work.
I don't have many pictures of the process as we moved at a brisk pace
to accomplish all the construction of the boxes & mechanicals held inside in the time allotted.
So many teeny pieces of heavy paper to cut & fold & glue.
to accomplish all the construction of the boxes & mechanicals held inside in the time allotted.
So many teeny pieces of heavy paper to cut & fold & glue.
One box held a scroll.
One class member sent the group a video of her completed
scroll box after she got home.
My choice for one of the pop ups was a whale.
Pull the yellow tab & he rises up from the box
Another was a curtain you pull open.
Out comes a little butterfly.
One of the favorites of the entire group was the turtle. Shawn had many of the pieces pre cut for us,
thank goodness or we would still be there cutting paper. maybe that's why we liked it so much!
Pull the tab & his legs & tail pop out.
The entire piece is small. 5 .5 " wide, 3.5 " deep & 3" tall.
Four afternoons of my summer, Poof!
Plus some time in the early am or late pm.
That's what happens at PBI.
Shawn brought several reference books he uses when creating new
mechanicals for his elaborate creations.
The first day was spent making sample elaborate moving mechanisms
for reference that went in box 1. Pictures of white card stock with not being
able to see what they do don't do it justice so I am sparing you.
In the meantime, happy Fourth of July!
The stairs and the projects are amazing!