The days have been so grey, wet, & dark for a few weeks. It doesn't help that the days are SO short. SADD takes hold. But hey, as of today they are getting longer.
Listening to Darren Rowse pod casts recently. Lots of inspiration and help with blogging, goal setting, social media. I'm always curious to learn how others manage their lives. Check him out.
Another fun look into the lives of others is My Morning Routine
Here lies some of the problem. Spending too much time looking for inspiration and not getting into the studio to play. I need to heed my own advice from the last ATCs. Remember?
So on to photos. This simple set up seems soothing to me. Used some pieces of the vinyl flooring in my studio space for the base. Did lots of tweaks in the VSCO app. It really is a great one.
No idea what I will do with this, but wanted to play with depth of field with my "real" camera.
OK all you artisits. Let's get into our creative spaces and get something going!