I'm going to participate again. I can't resist. It was a blast and a
learning experience last year.
Today is theme reveal day.

Most of the participants are writers, so I felt compelled to put in my 2 cents as an artist. It's a great way to generate ideas & explore topics I might not otherwise include in the blog.
How Do You Build an Artful Life?
There you have it. It's a broad topic, but one I feel strongly about & explore almost every day. I will incorporate quotes, links, personal thoughts (probably not unique, but humor me), as well as my own slant on how I try to infuse artful observation and inspiration into my every day existence. I want to know how others accomplish this as well. We can all learn from each other.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the ride. I would love to hear your feed back, any & all. If you have a thought please post a comment at the bottom. Also feel free to share a link with friends.
"You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you
Maya Angelou